The Compendium of F: Vol. Three—The Collected Short Fiction of F. Paul Wilson–Signed/Ltd ed.


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We are happy to present the third and final of THREE Volumes of the Collected Short Fiction of F. Paul Wilson.

This first volume collects all the stories he published in the Nineties. Presented in chronological order with introductory notes by the author, this is a monumental and historical document as well as well as a wonderful celebration a staggeringly impressive career by one of our best.

We will be offering a beautiful signed limited (to 500) edition ($60.00) as well as a handbound leather lettered edition ($350.00).

Pre-order your copy now!

Please let us know if you intend to collect all three volumes, and we will guarantee matching numbers in our database.


From the author’s Introduction:

So many ways I could have gone with the title:

50 F-ing Years

50 Years of F

50 Years of F-ing Around

Fortunately, wiser heads prevailed.

Fifty years . . . 1971 to 2021 . . . half a century since my first story saw print.

Sixty-plus books, fifty-plus short stories, novelettes and novellas.

Can’t believe I’ve had that many ideas.

Can’t believe I’ve typed all those millions and millions of words (with two fingers, no less).

Can’t believe I’ve fooled you all for so long.

Because, really, I’m not a writer. Don’t look to me for luminous or evocative prose. Don’t expect enlightenment or insights into the mysteries of existence, the intricacies of the human condition.

I’m just a storyteller. I make up stuff I think is cool—stuff I’d like to read—and I put it down on paper. I’m not sure why I’ve written so much, or why I keep on writing. It’s become some kind of obsessive-compulsive disorder. I am not writing for myself or out of a need for self-expression or a quest for immortality (as Woody Allen said, I’d prefer to achieve immortality through not dying). I am writing because I don’t seem to have a choice. I am writing to entertain, which means I am writing for you, and if you are not entertained, if you are not turning those pages, then I am not doing my job.

Weight 4.0 lbs
Dimensions 9.25 × 6 × 1 in


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